Wednesday 1 June 2011

The idea that sprung up on my i-phone notes....

Since getting my i-phone, I have been addicted to using my notes. Any idea that springs into my head gets quickly fingered into the notes. Sometimes its a postcode for the sat nav, to dos or even shopping to pick up on the way home. I started a new note recently of ideas for my final year project. Now I know that I'm not starting it until end of next year, but I was inspired by the degree show I went to last Thursday. The third years are graduating this year and I went along to see their projects. There were exhibits from all over the creative arts and it was truly inspiring. I took a special interest in two rooms. The first being my class, Multimedia Design. I've been with this particular group for the last 2 years and will miss them lots now they are graduating. I was really proud of what they achieved and the artefacts they have produce in such little time. There were interactive pole dancing, multi touch tables, games, websites, hacked Kinects. I also loved the photography room. I love how a photo can take a snapshot of time. Can give different impressions to each person viewing it, yet can be so personal to the owner.

Many of my projects over the years have been personal to me and I've used achieve family photos before. I also created a short film in my second year based on memory. You can see it here:

I find it very easy to get engrossed into a project when it has a personal meaning to me. So taking all this in, I had this idea of Project Memory and I typed frantically in. It's now started and there are loads of memories on the wall already I'm getting excited on what I can create. I will setting up polls later on to get the people involved with the project to have some input on how their memories will be used. If you have a video or photo that you would like to share, come and join me here:

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